All your marketing
needs in one place


Oh hi, nice to 'meet' you!

Like many of you, EG Publishing was born from the desire for independence. We wanted to create a work/life balance (who doesn’t?) for not only ourselves, but for a team of individuals who would feel empowered, valued and respected. Could this be done in a corporate culture?  We did not believe so. This left us only one option… working for ourselves.  That decision left us with hundreds, if not thousands of options.  Not sure which to choose, the one thing we knew for sure was that we wanted our business to make an impact on the community and provide a level of customer service that our clients deserved.

In 2017, we were fortunate enough to be presented with the perfect opportunity to accomplish all our goals. The Deer Valley Times (now known as North Phoenix News) was offered to us.  A neighborhood newspaper serving the Deer Valley community since 2012, DVT had begun to struggle.  We had a vision for the publication, and with a few changes to the look and distribution, we had our first success.  Less than a year later, communities and small businesses were beginning to take notice.  Our first request for a new newspaper came from a neighborhood group in the Desert Ridge area and thus was born the North Tatum Times.  As we continued the process of putting out hyperlocal news to each community, more and more neighborhoods found us and requested they too became part of the EG Publishing family with their own publication.  By the time we reached the end of 2019, we had grown from one publication to seven, with a total monthly direct mail distribution to over 140,000 neighbors.

With our love of publishing cemented, we were enticed by a new opportunity to serve children and their families.  In the Zona, a publication featuring the accomplishments of local students, became available in mid-2020.  The idea of celebrating the successes of the future generation was too much to say no to.  As usual, we put our own spin on an already successful idea by changing the name to Epic Kids. Aside from a vibrant rebranding, we added fun activities for readers, events calendars and more, making the publication fun for students and parents alike.  Epic Kids is now distributed each month to K-8 students Valley wide.

We believe that businesses must continue to evolve and grow to maintain its value to its customers. That in mind, today we offer not only print advertising, but many other custom marketing solutions.  This includes digital advertising, social media marketing/management, web design, SEO and more.  The key to doing so much successfully is to know your strengths.  As you browse through our services, you will see that some are provided in-house and others by partners, each of which we have vetted extensively. We are proud to work with these talented businesses, and to prove it, we put our money where our mouths are.  Not only are they partners – we are also their clients.  If they are good enough for us to hand them your business, they are good enough to have ours as well.

A final thought. We believe in promoting local businesses.  We are not a large publishing firm owned by a conglomerate based who-knows-where.  We Arizona residents, with Arizona roots.  We are here (almost) every day to answer your questions and give you what advice we can to help make your business stronger.  Most importantly, we believe that we benefit when you grow.  <span data-value=”2022-02-11 11:00:00″>Today</span>’s sale is not our focus.  Creating long term relationships with like-minded companies will keep Arizona a mecca of freedom, both in business and individuality.

We look forward to working with you,